Cystic Fibrosis Trust Homepage

Physically Well 

Together, we can live without the physical challenges of cystic fibrosis. 

Mountain with flag on top

Mentally Well 

Together, we can manage the mental pressures of cystic fibrosis. 

Rain falling on an umbrella


Together, we can lead the life we want as part of a connected community.

A bird soaring into the sky
lady taking kaftrio

NICE modulator appraisal

NICE is currently running a formal appraisal process on the cost-effectiveness of Kaftrio, Orkambi and Symkevi. Find out more here

Latest news and blogs

News -

1 in 3 people with CF worry about their health every day shows new data released to launch Cystic Fibrosis Trust’s ‘no day off’ campaign

Cystic Fibrosis Trust today released new data , which showed almost 80 per cent of people with CF said their physical health had prevented them living life to the fullest over the last year, and a third worried about their health every day.

Feature -

Senior Clinical Psychologist Dr Anna Elderton shares her top tips for a successful transition to adult care

Dr Anna Elderton is a Senior Clinical Psychologist at the Oxford Children’s Hospital CF Centre. We caught up with her to learn more about her career, her work with CF and her top tips for a successful transition to adult care!

News -

New five-year action plan for antimicrobial resistance announced

The Department of Health and Social Care have today published their new five year National Action Plan for antimicrobial resistance (2024-2029).

A female and a male dressed in yellow

Wear Yellow Day 2024

Unite with us for Wear Yellow Day on Friday 21 June!

Girl in blue jumper sitting on sofa

CF never lets you have a day off

Cystic fibrosis is a life-limiting, genetic condition without a cure. It dominates thousands of lives every day. You never get a day off when you have CF. 

More from Cystic Fibrosis Trust


Contact our friendly Helpline team who can provide you with information about any aspect of living with cystic fibrosis.

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Get in touch with us if you have any questions or are in need of guidance.

Life with CF test 1

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